Kamis, 20 April 2017

Peluang Bisnis Berikut kisah sukses kami BERBISNIS secara offline & online.

Anda seorang mama, karyawati, mahasiswa, yang ingin berbisnis untuk menambah PENGHASILAN?

Ingin punya banyak WAKTU bersama anak?
Ingin bantu suami untuk mencukupi KEUANGAN keluarga?
Berikut kisah sukses kami BERBISNIS secara offline & online.

Awalnya Kami...
  • JOIN karena hanya suka produknya
  • Kerjain bisnisnya karena BU alias butuh uang
  • Wanita single yang memiliki GAJI PAS-PASAN
  • BOSEN kerja kantoran, gaji numpang lewat doank
  • Ibu rumah tangga biasa yang GAPTEK dan tidak punya pengalaman berbisnis
  • NGONTRAK rumah, pindah-pindah tiap tahun
  • Ketemu ANAK hanya hari libur saja
  • Naik ANGKOT setiap hari

Saat Ini Kami...
  • Makin CANTIK dan pandai merawat diri
  • Punya penghasilan bulanan JUTAAN rupiah
  • Punya RUMAH sendiri dari hasil bisnis kami
  • Bisa temani anak kapan saja karena BISNIS yang fleksibel
  • Keuangan aman dan bisa MEMBAHAGIAKAN orang tua
  • Nyicil MOBIL dengan uang sendiri
  • Jalan-jalan KELUAR NEGERI Gratis


3 New Director di FaithfulNet

Yakinkan diri Anda!
Dengar apa kata mereka

Kalau diingat masa-masa pacaran dulu rasanya bersyukur banget sudah memutuskan membangun bisnis saat masih belum berkeluarga. Manfaatnya aku rasakan ketika sudah menikah dan punya anak. Karena bisnis kami ini dapat dikerjakan dari rumah, bebas atur jam kerja dan liburan sehingga bisa tetap dekat dengan anak. 4 bulan fokus kerjakan bisnis Oriflame-nya dapat penghasilan bulanan Rp 6,3 juta, naik peringkat jadi Director dapat Cash Award Rp 7.000.000, lalu menikah, makin semangat kerjakan Oriflamenya, naik peringkat lagi dan dapat Cash Award Rp 14.000.000, Rp 21.000.000, lalu Rp 28.000.000 !
Ternyata bisnis yang kami kerjakan selama ini telah memberikan banyak manfaat, terutama menopang seluruh kehidupan keluarga kami, karena sejak pacaran saya dan suami Tanafi Hendro sudah memutuskan full time di bisnis ini. Pendapatan bulanan rata-rata di atas Rp 25 juta perbulan, menyekolahkan anak di tempat yang baik, bisa memiliki sebuah rumah dari hasil bisnis ini dan mendapatkan tiket perjalanan keluar negeri Gratis sebanyak 5 kali. Belum lagi hadiah-hadiah tambahan seperti gadget terbaru dan motor sebanyak 2 unit. Terima kasih Tuhan, terima kasih Oriflame, terima kasih upline kami Tjiong Lik Cu.
Awalnya menjalankan bisnis secara offline dalam arti banyak bertemu secara langsung dengan pelanggan dan calon partner bisnis kami, seiring waktu kami mengikuti perubahan zaman, kami mengkombinasikannya dengan cara online. Memanfaatkan Facebook, BBM, dan WA, sehingga mampu menjangkau lebih banyak mama-mama yang sibuk bekerja, ibu rumah tangga, maupun mahasiswa yang akan jadi mama nantinya, untuk punya penghasilan sendiri dan mulai mempersiapkan diri menabung waktu untuk kemudian mendapatkan banyak waktu untuk keluarganya, dengan menjalankan bisnis Oriflame.
Berkarier sebagai seorang mama itu sangat Luar Biasa ! Apalagi bila dapat mengerjakan bisnis sambil urus keluarga. Kalau saya yang tanpa pengalaman berbisnis saja bisa punya penghasilan bulanan di Oriflame, Anda pun pasti bisa.

Miliati - Jakarta

Awalnya saya gabung di Oriflame untuk memakai produknya sendiri. Namun setelah dijelaskan tentang bisnisnya, entah kenapa saya langsung menetapkan bisnis ini akan menjadi bisnis saya seumur hidup. Tanpa coba coba. Jatuh hati begitu saja. Langsung membeli katalog 20 dan berbicara kepada banyak orang.
Bisnis ini sangat fleksibel, ramah waktu dan tempat. Karena dimana saya tinggal mengikuti suami yang kerjanya pindah-pindah, saya selalu bisa menebarkan manfaat dengan bisnis ini. Kantornya tersebar di 14 cabang dan bisa melayani seluruh area Indonesia. Bisnis ini ramah waktu karena bisa dikerjakan di antara waktu saya mengurus keluarga.
Dari  bisnis ini saya sudah bisa menghasilkan banyak hal, banyak teman, peringkat Gold Director dengan penghasilan rata-rata Rp 10 juta perbulan, hadiah-hadiah kecil yang sudah tidak terhitung jumlahnya, menginap, di  hotel bintang 5, hadir di seminar-seminar nasional,  gratis tiket keluar negeri, dan pembelajaran kepribadian yang makin mendewasakan saya dari hari ke hari.
Banyak impian saya terwujud di Oriflame, tetap punya penghasilan namun bisa dikerjakan di rumah, kantor kecil di rumah, gadget dari hasil sendiri, punya sepeda motor,  bisa mencicil mobil, dan terutama bisa tetap dekat dengan kedua anak saya (12 tahun & 8 tahun) dan memantau tumbuh kembangnya. Semua hal yang tidak terbayangkan sebelumnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga.
Terima kasih Allah, telah menunjukkan bisnis ini semoga masih terus diberi kepercayaan dariNya untuk menebar manfaat.

Santy Marlina - Gresik

Hai, saya Dolina. Awalnya saya bergabung di Oriflame diajak orang yang belum saya kenal sewaktu masih ngantor dulu. Karena tertarik membeli produk lebih hemat, akhirnya saya bergabung. Beberapa hari setelah bergabung, saya diceritakan bahwa di bisnis ini saya bisa mendapatkan penghasilan bulanan. Ada yang dapat 5 juta perbulan, 8 juta perbulan, 10 juta, 15 juta, bahkan ada yang puluhan juta perbulan.
Karena tertarik untuk mendapatkan penghasilan yang lebih besar, saya putuskan untuk menjalankan Oriflame sambil ngantor. Terbukti sejak saya serius membangun bisnis ini sambil bekerja, dalam waktu hitungan bulan bisa punya penghasilan bulanan Rp 6 juta/bulan (hampir 3x lipat dari gaji kantoran saya waktu itu). Akhirnya saya resign dari kerja kantoran dan fokus jalankan bisnis Oriflame saja.
Saat ini saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Bersyukur banget dulu saya sudah membangun jembatan sukses saya sejak masih single dan sambil ngantor. Sekarang saya bisa menikmati punya banyak waktu untuk keluarga, bisa tetap berpenghasilan dari rumah sambil jaga anak, mau beli apapun ga perlu minta sama suami, dan bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga.
Lewat Oriflame, impian-impian saya mulai tercapai, bisa membiayai operasi katarak kedua orang tua saya di Jakarta, beli motor baru, bisa tetap mengirimkan uang bulanan buat ortu, punya banyak waktu untuk anak dan suami, bisa ke luar negeri, dapat Cash Award Rp 7 juta dan Rp 14 juta dari Oriflame, dan peringkat Gold Director dengan penghasilan bulanan rata-rata Rp 8 – 10 juta perbulan. Buat seorang ibu rumah tangga seperti saya, penghasilan sebesar itu mau dapat dimana kalau bukan di bisnis Oriflame :-) . Terima kasih Oriflame!

Dolina - Tanggerang

Hai saya Riani, mantan guru honor dan seorang ibu rumah tangga dengan 2 anak, tinggal di Manokwari (Papua Barat). Bergabung di Oriflame tahun 2009, awalnya hanya untuk pemakaian pribadi, lalu beralih menjual produknya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Dengan bantuan upline, saya mulai mempelajari sistem bisnis dan jenjang karir Oriflame, dan akhirnya pada awal tahun 2013 saya fokus jalankan bisnis Oriflame.
Sejak berkomitmen menjadi pebisnis Oriflame, saya makin jatuh cinta dengan bisnis ini. Mendapatkan peringkat Director dengan penghasilan Rp 6 juta perbulan, mendapatkan Cash Award Rp 7 juta (di luar bonus bulanan), bisa menghadiri Director Seminar di Bali, dari hasil bisnis ini bisa bayar cicilan mobil, dan saya bebas mengatur waktu saya. Semua ternyata bukan omong kosong. Saya bersyukur menjalankan bisnis ini bisa ngantor di rumah, sambil mengurus anak.
Kantorku ya SPO (Service Point Oriflame), yang mulai online sejak November 2013. SPO mempermudah jaringan saya. Pengiriman barang lebih cepat, pengurusan komplain barang dan hal lainnya. Pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas semua SPO di seluruh Indonesia memantau secara berkala dan bertanya langsung mengenai kesulitan-kesulitan kami di daerah. Kami sangat terbantu dengan adanya SPO ini. Mau di daerah manapun Anda tinggal, Anda punya kesempatan yang sama untuk sukses di bisnis ini, yang jauh dari kantor cabang seperti saya bisa sukses, Anda pun pasti bisa.
“Melakukan yang terbaik selagi diberi kesempatan hidup” itulah motto yang saya yakini dalam hidup. Bersungguh-sungguh, bersabar dalam proses dan melakukan dengan cara yang benar akan mengantarkan kita kekehidupan yang kita inginkan. Dan saya yakin melalui bisnis Oriflame semua yang dijanjikan bukan hanya basa-basi.

Riani Margaretha - Manokwari

Saya sekarang adalah ibu bekerja banyak dari rumah, dulu saya adalah seorang karyawati dengan berpenghasilan di bawah UMR. Saya tetap bersyukur dengan penghasilan saya karena bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga. Tapi begitu banyaknya kebutuhan hidup, mendorong saya untuk punya penghasilan tambahan. Suatu saat seorang teman memperkenalkan saya keuntungan bisnis Oriflame, salah satunya bisa dapat penghasilan bulanan dan bisa dijalankan sambil bekerja. Sejak saat itu saya mulai menekuni bisnis Oriflame dengan mengikuti training di kantor Oriflame (saat itu Oriflame belum online) dan menjalankan bisnisnya setelah jam kantor dan di hari libur.
Alhamdulillah saya pun bisa naik ke jenjang karir di Oriflame sambil kerja kantoran. Saat saya mencapai level Manager 18% dengan bonus Rp 2,7 juta saya resign dari kantor. Keluar kantor saya fokus 4 bulan di bisnis Oriflame hasilnya saya naik peringkat jadi Senior Manager dengan penghasilan Rp 5 juta/ bulan. Terus berkembang hingga saya naik peringkat lagi menjadi Director dengan tambahan Cash Award Rp 7 juta di luar bonus bulanan serta dapat tiket gratis Director Seminar dan Gala Dinner di Bali.
Setelah menjadi Director, saya menikah dan punya 1 anak umur 2 tahun, Alhamdulillah masih tetap bertahan menjalankan bisnis Oriflame sampai sekarang dengan pendapata Rp 5-8 juta/bulan. Saya sebagai IRT tetap bisa bisnis dari rumah sambil menjaga anak karena Oriflame kini lebih keren, bisa online. Bisa order, membagikan katalog, mempromosikan bisnis dan training secara online baik dari Facebook atau webinar dengan sarana laptop atau HP dan jaringan internet.
Jangan pernah takut bermimpi dan jangan pernah takut menjemput impian. Saat ini impian jangka pendek saya adalah mencapai New Gold Director, dapat Cash Award Rp 14 juta dengan penghasilan rata-rata 10 juta/bln. Amin.

Take Action Now!

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Hasil gambar untuk kantor oriflame 

Mad Max-CPY

Posted on 28.02.2017 at 14:47 in Games, PC by Silva

CPY has released the game “Mad Max” for Windows . Enjoy

Become Mad Max, the lone warrior in a savage post-apocalyptic world where cars are the key to survival. In this action-packed, open world, third-person action game, you must fight to stay alive in The Wasteland, using brutal on-ground and vehicular combat against vicious gangs of bandits. A reluctant hero with an instinct for survival, Max wants nothing more than to leave the madness behind and find solace in the storied “Plains of Silence.” Players are challenged with treacherous missions as they scavenge the dangerous landscape for supplies to build the ultimate combat vehicle.

  • Become the iconic post-apocalyptic warrior, crafting and upgrading Max’s equipment and weapons to survive by combining melee combat, gunplay and tactical techniques. Gamers must make difficult decisions as they work towards the goal of escaping The Wasteland.
  • Explore the gritty, dynamic world while braving the treacherous landscapes, hostile weather patterns and deadly gangs of marauders.
  • Every scrap that’s scavenged is important and can be utilized to upgrade and enhance equipment, weapons and vehicles. Gamers raid enemy encampments to gain access to valuable resources.
  • Staying alive isn’t easy. Players clash with deadly factions and gangs through scores of dangerous side-missions and quests in the dynamic open-world full of exploration.
  • Engage in dynamic inter-vehicular combat, taking down enemy vehicles with a range of powerful weapons. Car combat is entirely physics-based, so no two battles are ever the same.
  • Players design, customize and upgrade their ultimate combat vehicle—the Magnum Opus—choosing from different car bodies and a slew of upgrades including mounted weapons, armor and engines to survive another day

Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Feral Interactive (Mac/Linux)
Developer: Avalanche Studios , Feral Interactive (Mac/Linux)
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release name: Mad.Max-CPY
Size : 31.8GB
Links: IGN – Steam – NFO – NTi
Download: http://nitroflare.com/folder/165004/L081hZC5NYXgtQ1BZ

Just Cause 3-CPY

Posted on 28.02.2017 at 23:21 in Games, PC by Blaze

CPY group has released the game “Just Cause 3″ , enjoy ….

The Mediterranean republic of Medici is suffering under the brutal control of General Di Ravello, a dictator with an insatiable appetite for power. Enter Rico Rodriguez, a man on a mission to destroy the General’s hold on power by any means necessary. With over 400 square miles of complete freedom from sky to seabed and a huge arsenal of weaponry, gadgets and vehicles, prepare to unleash chaos in the most creative and explosive ways you can imagine.


  • Explore a Mediterranean island paradise with complete vertical freedom – skydive, BASE jump and free dive in an open world with virtually zero limits
  • Glide through the air and swoop across mountains with your Wingsuit giving a new way to rain death from above
  • Use your Grapple and Parachute to scale buildings, hijack vehicles, move quickly or tether objects together for creative new ways to cause Chaos.
  • Cause massive chains of destruction in military bases, harbours, prisons, police stations and communications facilities to bring down a dictator
  • Arm yourself with a wide range of explosive weaponry from shotguns and missile launchers to tank-busters and air-strikes
  • Choose from a huge variety of different vehicles to drive including speedboats, jets, helicopters, turbo-fuelled sports cars and super bikes
  • Get adventurous with dozens of challenge missions and collectibles to discover
  • Online community features

Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Avalanche Studios
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release name: Just.Cause.3-CPY
Size: 60.01 GB
Links: Steam – NTi – NFO
Download: http://linksafe.org/folder/qtuuTijl

Homefront The Revolution Beyond the Walls DLC-PLAZA

Posted on 08.03.2017 at 12:50 in Games, PC by Blaze

PLAZA group has released the DLC “Homefront The Revolution Beyond the Walls DLC” , this DLC requires the base release : “Homefront The Revolution-PLAZA”

The second American Revolution has been crushed by the KPA occupation forces, and Philadelphia – last stronghold of the Resistance – is about to fall.
In America’s darkest hour, a glimmer of hope appears when a NATO agent makes contact from beyond the city walls with a desperate call for help. They claim to have information that could finally end the occupation – but can the Resistance reach them before the KPA close in…?

Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer: Dambuster Studios
Genre: Violent, Action, Adventure
Release name: Homefront.The.Revolution.Beyond.the.Walls.DLC-PLAZA
Size: 7.16 GB
Links: Steam – NTi – NFO
Download: http://linksafe.org/folder/ysJZKcGP

One Sole Purpose

Posted on 08.03.2017 at 17:07 in Games, PC by Silva

CODEX has released the game “One Sole Purpose” for Windows . Enjoy


Travel through space expanded exponentially around the year 3000. Humanity found a substance that has infinite energy. Humanity was able to reverse engineer the substance to allow it to enhance certain technologies humanity wanted to improve on. Fast forward, the year is 4900. You are Michael, a well renown doctor on Mars and the brother of a famous engineer whose name is Sameer. Sameer is responsible for engineering suits and weapons which can harness the power of the reversed engineered energy. Michael finds out that his brother has been missing for the last 6 years and is wanted dead by the government for reasons that are confidential. Unfortunately Michael also starts to hear and see things. One in particular is a alien with a humanoid appearance that claims to be part of the race that created mankind. Only Michael can see this entity, therefore Michael starts to question his sanity. As his insanity spirals downward he is determined to find his brother before he loses himself to madness.

  • Time, teleportation and physics-altering abilities.
  • Different environments that are beautifully designed make the game graphically immersive.
  • Story that will keep the player on the edge throughout the whole play through.
  • Explore the universe by entering different planets and space stations with each particular area offering something unique and enticing.
  • Numerous bouts of action blended together make this game unforgettable.
  • Different types of enemies.
  • Usable Vehicles.
  • Relatively low price tag for a great action packed gaming experience.

Publisher: Sameer Hirezi
Developer: Sameer Hirezi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release name: One.Sole.Purpose-CODEX
Size 12.4GB
Links: Steam – NFO – NTi



Save Our Souls Episode I

Posted on 13.03.2017 at 09:36 in Games, PC by Silva

CODEX has released the Episode I of game “Save Our Souls” for Windows . Enjoy

Save Our Souls is a story driven third person action packed shooter game that takes place in a post apocalyptic future.

The game takes place in a post apocalyptic future (2083) torn apart by demons and ruled by many warring factions. It Stars 3 female childhood friends who must once again band together and set out on a journey to stop the end of the world. The game will feature fast paced action packed game play in a variety of environments, and the player must gun down enemies using the 3 heroines, each with their own unique abilities. All the while being immersed in an Epic and cinematic story.

Publisher: Relentless Game Studios
Developer: Relentless Game Studios
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie
Release name: Save.Our.Souls.Episode.I-CODEX
Size 8.42GB
Links: Steam – NFO – NTi

Hitman - CPY

Posted on 16.03.2017 at 16:29 in Games, PC by Blaze

CPY group has released the Game “Hitman , enjoy

Become the master assassin in an intense spy-thriller story across a world of assassination.
Travel the world from France, Italy & Morocco to Thailand, USA & Japan to take out powerful, high-profile targets.
Complete freedom of approach in expansive freeform classic HITMAN levels
100+ hours of gameplay will challenge the creativity of all assassins
Create your own hits and compete with other assassins in Contracts mode

Publisher: Square Enix, Feral Interactive (Linux)
Developer: Square Enix, Feral Interactive (Linux)
Genre: Action
Release name: Hitman-CPY
Size: 64 GB
Links: Steam – NTi – NFO
Download: https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/EB26ADDBA2.htmlhttps://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/498253539B.html


Posted on 17.03.2017 at 10:31 in Games, PC by Silva

CPY has released the REPACK of game “Hitman” for Windows . Enjoy


Play as globetrotting Agent 47 at the prime of his career — the apex predator stalking his prey across the world, in the brutal stealth action game Hitman. Building a new foundation for the Hitman franchise, you will find Agent 47 here as the aspirational assassin at the absolute peak of his power. As an operative of the International Contract Agency, his job is to take out high-profile targets all over the world, supported by his long-time handler Diana Burnwood.
Each location in the game is a living sandbox, a place where every NPC has a name and every room matters. Players have complete freedom of approach over how, where and when you decide to take out your target. Creativity from players is fully expected — you have the power and intelligence of Agent 47 at your fingertips, and it is your choice whether to use brute force or orchestrate a genuine masterpiece of assassination. An episodic structure for Hitman means an ongoing and evolving game which plays out over the course of a year, with a finale that brings the story arc together. Broadcast contract events add unique and vital missions to the Hitman experience over that time — imagine a target appearing for every player in the world, for a limited time only. Where your one shot counts. And when that target is gone, it is gone forever.

  • Complete freedom of approach in expansive freeform classic HITMAN levels
  • 100+ hours of gameplay will challenge the creativity of all assassins
  • Create your own hits and compete with other assassins in Contracts mode

  • Publisher: Square Enix, Feral Interactive (Linux)
    Developer: Io-Interactive , Feral Interactive (Linux)
    Genre: Action
    Release name: Hitman.REPACK-CPY
    Size: 41GB
    Links: IGN – Gmaespot – Steam – NFO – NTi
    Download: http://nitroflare.com/folder/165004/L09hpdG1hbi5SRVBBQ0stQ1BZ

    Mafia III Faster Baby

    Posted on 28.03.2017 at 18:17 in Games, PC by Blaze

    RELOADED group has released the game : “Mafia III” including the DLC “Faster Baby”, enjoy…

    Description: In Sinclair Parish, a rural town west of the Bayou, Sheriff “Slim” Beaumont rules on a platform of fear and violence. When a Civil Rights leader is murdered, and other activists are targeted, Lincoln joins forces with sister-in-arms Roxy Laveau on an explosive mission to expose the town’s corrupt underbelly. Engage in high-octane car chases, epic new military-grade combat tactics and seedy operations to bring Slim and his corrupt Sheriff’s Department to justice.

    Publisher: 2k
    Developer: Hangar 13
    Genre: Action, Adventure
    Release name: Mafia.III.Faster.Baby-RELOADED
    Size: 45.77 GB
    Links: Steam – NTi – NFO

    Download: http://linksafe.org/folder/sZTwXzUd

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier Episode 3

    Posted on 29.03.2017 at 04:09 in Games, PC by Silva

    HI2U has released the game “Trucker2″ for Windows . Enjoy

    When family is all you have left…how far will you go to protect it?
    After society was ripped apart by undead hands, pockets of civilization emerge from the chaos. But at what cost? Can the living be trusted on this new frontier?

    As Javier, a young man determined to find the family taken from him, you meet a young girl who has experienced her own unimaginable loss. Her name is Clementine, and your fates are bound together in a story where every choice you make could be your last.

    Genre: Violent, Gore, Adventure
    Developer: Telltale Games
    Publisher: Telltale Games
    Release name: The.Walking.Dead.A.New.Frontier.Episode.3-CODEX
    Size 9.23GB
    Links: Steam – NFO – NTi


    Mass Effect Andromeda

    Posted on 04.04.2017 at 05:47 in Games, PC by Silva

    CPY has released the game “Mass Effect Andromeda” for Windows . Enjoy

    A new adventure awaits in the universe with Mass Effect: Andromeda, the first next-generation game in the expansive sci-fi RPG franchise Mass Effect created by acclaimed studio Bioware. Mass Effect Andromeda takes place far away from and long after the events of the original trilogy. With stunning visuals and a new galaxy to discover, BioWare delivers the next generation of space exploration.
    Mass Effect: Andromeda takes players far beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way into the depths of the Andromeda galaxy. Become the Pathfinder and lead humanity’s search for a new home in this uncharted and unforgiving region of space. Discover the secrets of a vast galaxy, battle hostile alien threats, build your crew and tap into deep progression and customization systems to make them your own. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival and place in the Andromeda Galaxy. As you unravel the mysteries of Andromeda — with the future of our species resting on your shoulders – you must ask yourself … How far will you go?

    • Chart your own course in a dangerous new galaxy. Unravel the mysteries of the Andromeda galaxy as you discover rich, alien worlds in the search for humanity’s new home
    • Battle like never before. New additions like destructible environments, boosted jumps for added verticality, and all-new weapons and Biotics make combat more thrilling than ever
    • With amazing weapons, powers and tech, and much more flexible skill and weapon progression tree-you can replicate your play style to make you unstoppable against new, powerful alien enemies

    Genre: RPG
    Developer: BioWare
    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Release name: Mass.Effect.Andromeda-CPY
    Size 49GB
    Links: IGN – Gamespot – NFO – NTi

    Download: http://nitroflare.com/folder/165004/L091hc3MuRWZmZWN0LkFuZHJvbWVkYQ==

    LEGO City Undercover-CODEX

    Posted on 05.04.2017 at 05:54 in Games, PC by Silva

    CODEX has released the game “LEGO City Undercover” for Windows . Enjoy

    Join the Chase! In LEGO® CITY Undercover, play as Chase McCain, a police officer who’s been tasked with going undercover to hunt down the notorious – and recently escaped – criminal Rex Fury and putting an end to his city-wide crime wave.

    With two player co-op, friends can explore the sprawling open-world metropolis that is LEGO® City, with more than 20 unique districts to investigate, car thieves to bust, hilarious movie references to discover, vehicles to drive, and hundreds of collectibles. LEGO CITY Undercover brings together witty, original storytelling with signature LEGO humor to create a fun-filled experience for players of all ages to enjoy.

    Genre: Action
    Developer: Traveller’s Tales
    Publisher: TT Games
    Release name: LEGO.City.Undercover-CODEX
    Size 17.1GB
    Links: Steam – NFO – NTi

    Download: http://uploaded.net/folder/iyps4n
